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Ring / Object
Silver, Soil, Sample bottle,(Paper, Ink)
Edition 100


I measure the soil beneath my feet
I measure with precision in my hand, "Made in Ukraine"

Measure the truth observable only as numbers
Their meaning beyond grasp, accuracy out of hand

Break away from my birthland of 10000 days by my own will
To this land, so distant, though I still must measure

In this land 1000 kilometers removed from Ground Zero out East
Measuring the soil as I roam the island chain
Forever measuring

"Today" knew sadness even before "that day"
Which continues to "today," though I know not in what way

What to regret what to accept, what to grieve what to abandon
My mind measures where to go from today

A "today" granted without justice or malice by those who came before
Begs for words to measure what to accept what to reject
With those for whom gentle hands and dialogue reach

That's why, 100 rings, is enough

To begin, I present you a single word - TODAY
A question asked through the ring marked MADE IN JAPAN

Text : Hiroki Masuzaki
Translation : David Kracker



Iron, Japanese paper,Paint

Edition 7
2013 / worked together with Kazutaka Shioi




Iron, Silver, Japanese paper, Paint

Edition 15
2013 / worked together with Kazutaka Shioi

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